For Who?


Culture innovation to boost the learning and innovation power of organizations is one of the most difficult transformation processes because it needs to shift power to people with the right passion and talents. This is only possible if an organization is willing to change its ‘executive style’.

Based on our experience, disruptive culture innovation is only possible if the CEO / Owner and his executive team have the courage to make it happen.

This will not be possible for all executives. For this reason, culture transformation can’t rely on consensus in the executive team, it has to start with the right executives.

The Perfect Organization is not a training session. It is an executive awakening about how to embed ‘Red Monkey Innovation Management’ in your organization. It will give you all the insights and an overview of all the tools to make it happen.

The success of using these insights and toolkit will depend on the passion, the talents and the courage to use them.

‘The Perfect Storm’ is available in different formats …

Open Sessions @Calendar

This format is ideal for organizations that want to explore the power of the ‘Engine of Innovation Mindset Map and Toolkit’. Our calendar gives an overview of when and where open sessions are planned.

Our advice is to participate with a table of people responsible for organizational development.

Some ‘Table Ideas’ …

  • A table with the CEO, some passionate executives, some passionate managers, some passionate employees, some passionate HRM or/and Innovation Experts, an Executive Coach and a student to open your mind to the next generation.

  • A table with the CEO and his successors … we love and respect family owned companies. But sometimes they also need to change their executive style. This awakening sessions could facilitate the transition of power to the next generation.

  • Tables from organizations that are merging. The Perfect Organization could give them the needed insights to make the merger happen with culture innovation as a merger facilitator.

  • A table of Executive Coaches that want to experience the power of the Engine of Innovation Toolkit and are open for working with us.

  • Your Tablebe creative … join with a table of CEO’s of companies or organizations you do business with … join with a table of …

Special deals for tables from organizations that have booked Jef Staes as a keynote speaker. Because when they register they are really interested … 8-)

Special deals for Executive Coaches that want to explore the potential of the Engine of Innovation Mindset for the executives and organizations they coach.

In-House Sessions
The Perfect Organization @YourPlace

Experience the power of the Engine of Innovation Mindset Map and Toolkit with your executive team @yourplace.

The Perfect Organization is available as a One-Day session or a Two-Day session. The difference … ‘awake’ or ‘awake with a plan’.

Suggestion … the learning and innovation power of organizations will increase dramatically if organizations embrace ‘Open Innovation’ … so we encourage ‘Open-In-House Sessions’ where a ‘host’ invites organizations and companies he works with, to his ‘In-House Sessions’ … think about the potential of this approach …

In-Network Sessions
The Perfect Organization @YourNetwork

We our looking for cooperation with existing networks of organizations. We really believe that ‘The Perfect Organization’ could trigger a new beginning for your network. Win-win-win … your network organization … your members … us … 8-)